Project Summary
The South Beardstown Drainage & Levee District is one of the entities comprising the Beardstown Regional Flood Prevention District. Following accreditation of the entire levee system, the District desired to replace their existing pumping station due to safety and operational concerns. Klingner provided design development, construction documents, and permitting assistance for the development of a 120,000 GPM pump station.
Additionally, Klingner performed electronic ditch level monitoring and used years of nearby gauge readings to determine head conditions for the new pump installation. These values were utilized, along with other site conditions / restraints, to perform pump selection with various pump manufacturers being identified that were capable of providing three electric motor driven 40,000 GPM pumps in compliance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards. Investigations into the various motor / pump configurations (submersible, immersible, and conventional line shaft configurations) and the cost:benefit associated with these configurations was performed to assist the Levee District in their decision making process. Data was collected on-site, including soil borings, topographical survey, hydrographic survey, and boundary survey. Klingner utilized the collected datasets in the design and in the performance of detailed seepage / slope stability analysis to review potential impacts of the project on the adjacent levee.
Klingner further utilized these datasets and analyses in the USACE 408 permitting process. The plans for the pumping station were produced in Revit software, allowing for pre-project modifications by the District during their review of the 3D pump station model exhibits and virtual reality walk throughs. The pump station recently reached substantial completion and has been functioning very well during this Spring’s rainfall events.