Meet David Nutzhorn, the newest member of our Transportation Team!


Q: Tell us a bit about yourself.

David: My name is David, and I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. I attended a small, private college in Wisconsin for a math degree and lived up in that area for about 10 years before moving here 17 years ago. I have been working as an overnight supervisor in retail for the last 27 years.

Q: Why did you want to become a Technician?

David: I spoke with a few people who work in this field and it sounded like a really interesting career for me.

Q: What do you enjoy most about the types of projects you work on?

David: I really enjoy seeing daily progress on projects and how complex everything is when building different structures.

Q: Why did you decide to join the Klingner team?

David: It seemed like a good company to work for that takes care of its people.

Q: What was your favorite subject in school?

David: I have always enjoyed math.

Q: Do you play any sports?

David: Mostly just golf at this point, but I used to enjoy playing basketball, soccer, football, and softball / baseball. I enjoy cheering on Chicago sports too: Chicago Cubs, Bears, Bulls, and Blackhawks.