Who is Dane Stivers, PE? A soccer fan, guitar guru, and Senior Electrical Engineer in our Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing (MEP) Department. We caught up with Dane — who was just awarded his Iowa PE license — to learn more about him!
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself…
Dane: I grew up and went to school in the area, then moved to Chicago for some time pursuing my career. I met my wife, Kelly, up there. We moved back into this area to have a family. We have two children. I am a Licensed Engineer in Illinois and now Iowa.
Q: Which superhero do you think would make a good MEP engineer?
Dane: Probably the Flash. He’s fast, but precise.
Q: What is one little-known fact about you?
Dane: I’m a cardinals fan. Ironically married to a cubs fan.
Q: What is one hobby that you’re great at? And one you’re not so great at, but love anyway?
Dane: I enjoy (and am good at) rebuilding guitars. I’ve been buying and rebuilding them for a handful of years. A hobby that I love despite my skill is trim carpentry.
Q: What else do you do in your free time?
Dane: I have been a part of the 12-Plus program at the Ft. Madison high school. It’s a program that teaches students who do not plan to go to college fundamental skill sets and helps them discover options for future careers.
I am also involved in my church’s worship team.
Q: Why did you want to become an electrical engineer?
Dane: I really enjoyed circuits and power classes in high school. When I learned you could make a profession out of it, I decided to go to school for it.
Q: What is your favorite type of project?
Dane: I really enjoy projects where you can get involved early in the feasibility process. It allows you to help define the project and gives you the chance to collaborate with the owner up front.
Q: What is one piece of practical advice you’d give a client looking to update their electrical system?
Dane: Don’t compromise safety for cost. Your employees are your most valuable resource. Make sure your system is properly and safely designed.