Project Summary
Klingner provided Phase I / II Engineering services to IDOT District 4 for the removal and replacement of dual structures SN 055-0003 and SN 055-0027 carrying US 67 over Farmers Fork Creek, approximately 4 miles north of Macomb.
Phase I work consisted of route and land surveys; a hydraulic survey; structure inspections; staged removal plans; accident analysis; drainage studies; traffic control plans; roadway plans; environmental assessments; opinions of probable cost; and preparation of a Bridge Condition Report, Structure Geotechnical Report, Hydraulic Report using HEC-RAS, TS&L Plan, and a Phase I Project Report.
The Phase I Project Report supported the need for replacement bridges as the hydraulic analysis indicated that the waterway openings were inadequate and the prestressed concrete deck beams were reaching the end of their useful life expectancy.
Klingner’s Phase II work included construction plans and specifications for SN 055-0080 and SN 055-0081. These replacement structures were 1-span steel plate girder bridges skewed 30° and respectively measuring 138’-3” and 134’-0” from back-to-back of abutments. The channel’s skew remained 45°. The profile grade of US 67 was raised, along with the township road and private drive, to accommodate the raise in grade for the bridges. Other necessary items — including extended turn lane lengths and tapers, guard rails, erosion control, and miscellaneous details — were part of the project.