Project Summary
Klingner provided geotechnical services for this contract in various counties and various routes for IDOT District 6.
Services for three work orders involved:
- Work Order No. 1—FAP Route 310, Section 9-4; 85-1, Cass and Schuyler Counties, US 67 Expressway bridge over the Illinois River / Beardstown By-Pass. Work included a subsurface investigation consisting of drilling and sampling at an estimated 65 boring locations over a distance of 2.4 miles split into a northern and southern section. DCP testing, laboratory classification testing, and boring log preparation were also provided.
- Work Order No. 2—Sangamon County overhead sign structure foundation replacements for 2011. Work included a subsurface investigation consisting of drilling and sampling at ten (10) existing overhead sign locations in the Springfield, IL, area, including boring log preparation.
- Work Order No. 3—Adams, Logan, Montgomery, Morgan and Sangamon counties, overhead sign structure foundation replacements. Work included a subsurface investigation consisting of drilling and sampling at eleven (11) existing overhead sign locations at various locations throughout District 6, including boring log preparation.