Project Summary
Since 2011, Klingner has provided pump station design services to IDOT District 8 under a various / various work order contract. The largest of these projects was the Missouri Avenue Deep Well facility, located north of I-55 / 64 at Missouri Avenue. This facility removes groundwater and storm water from a depressed section of the west bound interstate.
Missouri Avenue Deep Well Facility – Phase I:
Klingner engineers prepared a design report to evaluate the existing groundwater and storm water management capabilities of the existing Missouri Avenue Deep Well facility.
Highlights of the report included:
- An investigation of the existing multi-well system to remove groundwater from the project site as well as how it was pumped to the Department’s Bowman Avenue Pump Station facility.
- Various options to improve the removal of the surface water from the westbound lanes from adding additional inlets to raising the profile grade of the roadway.
- Identification of the current system’s deficiencies, including site security, well and pipeline clogging, water quality, and discharge requirements.
- List and evaluation of possible improvements that examined feasibility and economic costs.
Missouri Avenue Deep Well Facility – Phase II:
Klingner professionals prepared plans, specifications, and estimates for the Phase II improvements to the Missouri Avenue Deep Well Facility.
This work included:
- Constructing a new horizontal collector well (i.e. Ranney Well) to take the place of the multiple vertical collector wells in place.
- A new 40’ by 87’ well house building containing the four vertical turbine enclosed line shaft pumps, control system, generator, and restroom. The building is set on a grade beam foundation and piling to bedrock.
- Rehabilitation of the existing pump station building and installation of three new vertical turbine solid handling pumps for the storm water.
- Adding additional inlets to the westbound lanes of I-55 / 64.
- Construction of nearly 5,000’ of new 24” forcemain from the site to the Bowman Ave. Pump Station with concrete cleanout vaults every 400’.
- Site improvements of a new concrete detention basin for storm water, concrete parking lot, concrete sidewalks, security fencing, and other related items.
- New supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.