Project Summary

Klingner provided Civil / Site and Survey services for the repair of the Maquoketa River Cascade Levee, which included stripping, placing bedding stone and riprap, and site restoration.

Surveying services consisted of staking levee centerline and work limits; performing a preliminary topographic survey and plot preliminary cross section sheets; performing post stripping topographic survey to confirm the stripping; depth and plot interim cross section sheets; performing interim topographic survey after the placement of bedding stone; providing bedding stone quantity calculations and plot interim cross section sheets; performing interim topographic survey after the stockpiling of riprap; providing initial riprap quantity calculations; performing final topographic survey after the placement of riprap; providing final riprap quantity calculations and plotting final cross section sheets; and staking and / or machine grade control assistance at the request of the contractor.

A storm water pollution prevention plan was prepared in accordance with General Permit No. 2 Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activities. The plan was prepared utilizing the construction plans issued with COE solicitation number W912EK20R011 Cascade Levee 2018 and 2019 Events Levee Repairs. Erosion control measures were indicated on those plan sheets for implementation during construction.