Project Summary
Multiple structural special inspections are being performed during the construction of Macomb Middle School, including a precast erection inspection, precast and structural steel welding inspection, shear stud inspection, and steel decking inspection.
- Precast Erection Inspection: The International Building Code (IBC) calls for periodic inspection for precast erection, which was done early in the precast erection process to confirm panels conform to the code. Precast erection inspections include verification of the location and orientation of precast members as well as the verification that the precast panels remained undamaged during handling and setting. The inspection also included verification that all bearing surfaces are clean and free of debris. A report describing what was witnessed during the erection of the precast panels was sent to the Engineer of Record, the owner, and the contractor.
- Precast & Structural Steel Welding Inspection: Inspectors will verify that the on-site welders were qualified for the project’s applicable Welding Procedure Specification in accordance with Clause 4 of AWS D1.1. Once welding has been completed, visual inspections of the welds for cracks, weld profiles, size of welds, undercut, and porosity will be performed to ensure they are in conformance with Clause 8 of AWS D1.1. A report outlining the findings will be completed. Should any weld be rejected, the discontinuities that caused the rejection will be noted and the contractor will be notified.
- Shear Stud Inspection: The shear stud welding inspections began by ensuring the welders are qualified in conformance with AWS D1.1. Inspectors completed visual inspections to ensure that the size and length of fillet welds are adequate and a “ring test” will be performed. Any errors found were marked in the field; documented in a report; and sent to the contractor, owner, and Engineer of Record.
- Steel Decking Inspection: Steel decking inspections will include verifying deck gauge, type and size of decking, type of fastening, qualification of welders, size and spacing of fasteners, and that the fasteners have proper mechanical fastener embedment into the support. Any errors found in the field will be marked. The contractor will be notified of the location any errors, and errors will also be included in the report for the contractor’s reference.
All special inspections for the project conform to Chapter 17 of the International Building Code, IBC, 2015. Storm shelter special inspections conform to ICC-500-14 section 106. In-plant special inspections are also required for fabricated storm shelter structural components according to the applicable sections in Chapter 17 of International Building Code, IBC, 2015.