Project Summary

Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School hired Klingner to design a new school addition, the first new school in its diocese since 1957.

This two-level, 28,400 SF addition houses grades K-6 in a bright, open atmosphere. Open multipurpose rooms in the major corridors provide teachers with a space for larger science and art activities. Easily movable, yet sound proof partitions separate classrooms in each grade level to enhance space flexibility and further facilitate co-teaching. These classrooms still provide ample storage space with in-room cubbies for the younger grade levels. Older students have a shared bookbag storage area in the second floor hallway.

The main level also features a secure entry room for visitors, administrative offices, connection to the existing gymnasium, a full-service kitchen, and an open cafeteria featuring a cross in the floor detail.

The building envelope utilizes high performance precast concrete wall panel construction, providing a level of energy efficiency which exceeds the requirements of current energy codes and allows for cost savings.