Project Summary
Klingner was selected to provide design for replacement of high service pumps at the water plant, replacement of an existing 8” cast iron water main (approximately 3,300 LF), and replacement of the City’s three 60-year-old concrete reservoirs with a new 200,000 gallon elevated water storage tank. These reservoir tanks had previously been inspected by a diving team. It was determined that substantial repair work would be necessary, and a new tank would ultimately be the better option.
The project involved three separate contracts:
- Contract 1 included a 200,000-gallon Pedesphere water storage tank, including all piping outside of the tank to an existing 8” PVC water main connection. Also included was site preparation, erosion control, final grading and seeding, and installation of an interior tower lighting system and conduits to allow access into the base of the tower.
- Contract 2 included installation of roughly 3,300 LF of water main to replace an existing 8” and 6” water main along Kentucky Street and connect with the water plant. Contract includes the installation of two PRV valve and valve vaults and an additional PRV inside the water plant. Also included was filling and abandonment of three existing storage tanks and final connection between the proposed water storage tank and the existing water distribution system.
- Contract 3 included the electrical work at the new water storage tank consisting of electric feed, panels, and controls / SCADA. This work also included SCADA improvements at Well #4, Well #5, and the water treatment plant.
Past project highlights:
- An overall storm sewer map, forensic investigation into condition of existing storm sewers, and an overall plan for addressing flooding issues within the community to properly drain stormwater to the river.
- Construction of a disinfection system for the City of Clarksville’s wastewater lagoon.
- Drilling and developing a new 100 GPM well that is approximately 600’ deep; installing pump and completing a pump test; demolition of the existing structure and related site work; 4” PVC raw water main; fittings, valves, crossings, and backfill; and electrical and controls (SCADA).