Project Summary
Klingner provided master planning for Bob Mays Park, an undeveloped tract of land that was donated to the Quincy Park District.
In a series of highly-attended public meetings, Klingner identified popular amenities and gathered input from the community. This information was then combined with site research and analysis of existing features, including soils, topography, vegetation, microclimate, and views. A preliminary plan, final master plan, opinions of probable cost, and phasing plan was then developed to create a park that balances active and passive spaces.
A shelter house, playground, parking, and restrooms were developed at the main entrance and were built with an Illinois DNR OSLAD grant. Attention was drawn to the new park by aligning the new shelter house with the intersecting roadway. This area also serves as a trailhead for the Klingner Trail, which runs along the edge of the park.
Additional amenities were located further into the park beneath the elevation of the road to maximize views of the space. Future amenities include a lake with accessible fishing, open play fields, an additional shelter house, interpretive wetland areas, educational trails, bike trails, pedestrian connection to the nearby subdivision, cluster picnic areas, maintenance building, and a seasonal or year-round ice skating rink. Native prairie areas were also developed along the edge of the park to create privacy for nearby residences.