A PER, or Preliminary Engineering Report, is an assessment required by funding agencies before funding capital improvement projects.

The typical PER:

  • Assesses the condition an existing water / wastewater system
  • Pinpoints issues or deficiencies within a system
  • Identifies and evaluates system alternatives to address treatment needs
  • Prioritizes infrastructure or site upgrades
  • Estimates opinions of probable cost for improvements (capital, operation and maintenance, and present worth)
  • Outlines capital improvements for the public and federal, state, and local agencies

Completing a PER is a chance to assess the existing system’s ability to meet current and future demands — and analyze possible upgrades to outdated or failing existing infrastructure. It’s essentially the building blocks of design. The site, layout, equipment, utilities, and process are all determined in the report, acting as a solid baseline for any future physical design. This examination is an invaluable help to clients as they determine the appropriate route of improvements both logistically and economically.